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Medical Clearance

(Start ASAP)

Physical ASAP

Everythoing Completed: July 31 Deadline

  • Print forms here of within the sportsware ( program>>>
  • Cardiac clearance for ALL student-athletes every year>>>
  • Sickle Cell form 1 time for all student-athletes>>>
  • Asthma / ADHD forms are only for athletes that use medicines for>>> Link for forms below

Here is how to start to clearance from a athletic perspective, remember this is a different process then housing for the university: We recommend starting this ASAP and completing it early summer. We also recommend completing this on a computer and not a cell phone. 

Pete Algarin is our athletic trainer.  Please reach out to him at


The starting point is: Click on this website - Hit ‘Join SportsWare’ the third option down. School ID is ‘WestConnWolves’. Put in Name, Email and the group is ‘W.C.S.U Athletics’. Once you submit email and let us know you have completed this.  Our staff will then accept you, but it may take a day for this to happen. 

You can click on our website for full instructions, but follow the necessary steps below: WestConn Medical Clearance - Western Connecticut State University (
- Must complete: General Info, Address, Emergency Contact, Insurance Information, Medical History Questionnaire and sign 6 Form Attachments. Note: if you answer YES to any question on the Medical History Questionnaire, you must provide a explanation in the adjacent box. 
- Also you must upload our WCSU Athletic Physical (Link Above) signed and stamped on both pages by your Dr between the dates March – August 1st 2024. Please note that the medical evaluation must be performed by a MD/DO.

- When uploading insurance information, you must provide account information as well as the front and back of your personal card. Note: If you have connecticut husky insurance, you must log onto Access Health Ct to provide a screenshot of your coverage dates. 
- Above is our Sickle Cell link and PDF to this email that your Dr must show a positive or negative result, if they don’t have a result on file, it will require a blood test at quest: See attachment (Sickle Cell)
-Also need to get cardiac clearance, everyone- every year (form attached). This must also be signed by an MD/DO. 
- Lastly, if you take any ADD/ADHD med, Asthma/Anaphylaxis med, or Anabolic agents or PED’s, please fill out the appropriate form that is attached on this link:


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